What is Learning Enhancement?
The Learning Enhancement Team serves the complex needs of adolescents. At a stage when they are deciphering their personal identity, experiencing mixed gender friendships and developing the capacity to form intimate relationships, we are there for them.
We commit to supporting student learning and engagement to increase their performance, while respecting their social emotional development. Through flexible delivery for students, the team practices inclusive principles and maintains an environment conducive for the diverse range of learners to successfully access the curriculum and fully engage in the life of the College.
Why Learning Enhancement?
As an Edmund Rice Associate College, we stand for the human dignity of each adolescent and believe that a diverse range of personal characteristics and experiences is for the common good and enriches the life of the College community. We provide opportunities for each learning to 'be the best they are able to be', by supporting holistic growth and cultivating the gifts, talents and interests of each learner - aligning with our College mantra of 'Every Student, Every Success'.
How is Learning Enhancement delivered?
Learning Enhancement is delivered by a cohesive, experienced, professional team with varied backgrounds and skills, who work respectfully and collaboratively with our youth and families. They inspire and challenge learners to perform to their learning potential and with confidence, the Learning Enhancement team is dedicated to:
On-going monitoring of progress and academic achievement for each student
Collaborative planning, teaching, assessing and reporting with class teachers to cater for the diverse needs of learners - Differentiation, Universal Design for Learning, Bloom's Taxonomy
Specialist planning and instruction with class teachers to maximise learning outcomes for students from a Non-English Speaking Background (NESB)
Provision of Enrichment programs within and beyond the classroom - extension, problem-solving, co-curriculum and quality sports program, eg. Sports Excellence and TAS Sports
Being mindful of family and learner well being and needs - the learner is central to decision making processes and practices
Providing 'at risk' adolescents with the opportunity to journey on an alternative pathway to engage and continue with their education
Transition processes for new enrolments and learners with cognitive, physical, sensory, social, emotional and medical challenges
Lunchtime and after school tutoring - assignments, homework, study skills, time management and organisation, goal setting, resilience, 'learning to learn' skill development
One to one, small group and in class support for literacy, numeracy and Non-English Speaking Background intervention
Post-school transition practices - work samples, school based traineeships/apprenticeships, employment services programs, tertiary courses and institutions research QTAC applications
Providing additional support strategically and fade support as required
Learning enhancement Study Line facilitation for subjects, traineeships/apprenticeships requirements, skill intervention, enrichment and extension
NAPLAN and QCS Special Provisions applications and supervisions
Providing a warm, comfortable, safe environment for reflection, debriefing, celebrations, cultural exchange and meal sharing, group activities for like minded learners
 © Brisbane Catholic Education Office, St Columban’s College 2019
 © Brisbane Catholic Education Office, St Columban’s College 2019