To ensure that Religious Education is relevant, vibrant and valid to all students in a multi faith community, RE is taught in a way that is respectful to other Christian traditions and other faiths. The language and activities used do not presuppose religious knowledge or faith. The Religious Life of the College gives students a chance to experience the Catholic tradition within a community. The Religious Life of the College is expressed through the components of Religious Identity and Culture, Prayer and Worship, Evangelisation and Faith Formation and Social Action and Justice. These components are interrelated and lead to a deeper and richer experience of being Catholic and or spiritual. At St Columban's College, the lens through which all Religious experience is provided is through the Edmund Rice charism and our patron St Columban. As an Edmund Rice Associate College, our philosophy of education is underpinned by the 4 Touchstones outlined in the charter document governing Catholic schools who follow the Edmund Rice tradition. We are proud to belong to such a rich tradition and strive to make the Touchstones a living reality in our College.
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Gospel Spirituality We invite all people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice and peace a living reality within our community. | Inclusive Community Our community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good. | Justice and Solidarity We are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the earth itself. | Liberating Education We open, hearts and minds, through quality teaching and learning experiences, so that through critical reflection and engagement each person is hope-filled and free to build a better world for all. |
© Edmund Rice Education Australia (2018)
Our Religious celebrations are viewed as significant to the whole community. To strengthen the Catholic Identity of the College, we aim to provide parents with an experience of belonging to a Catholic community. The College views this as important because the parents are the primary role models for the students regarding spiritual formation. All parents and friends of our community are invited to the House Masses, Inaugural Masses and any key liturgical event in the College calendar. Participation in whole school liturgies is viewed as an opportunity to educate, include and form the whole community.
As a community, we celebrate and support:
Friday morning Mass
Liturgies at Principal's Awards
Liturgies celebrating significant days such as Edmund Rice's Birthday, St Columban's Feast Day,
Ash Wednesday, ANZAC day, Easter, Catholic Education Week, Year 7 Welcoming ceremony
Opening Mass
PC Prayer
Prayer every Assembly
Fund raising for our annual Immersion and Outreach program
In each House, we celebrate and support:
House Mass once a year
Participation in fund raising and advocacy
Each House is affiliated with a Christian agency
Duhig – Orange sky Laundry
English – Edmund Rice Beyond Borders (Reuben Primary School, Nairobi)
Molloy – Rosies
O'Driscoll – St Vincent's De Paul

Each Year level has a Retreat or a camp that includes a Mass celebration with our local Parish Priest. All these events enable our school to promote knowledge, deep understanding and skills about the Catholic and broader Christian tradition within the evangelising mission of the Church.
The Religious Education program at St Columban's is organised around the teaching of the Religion curriculum and providing rich potentially spiritual/ faith formative experiences to the students, staff and parents of the College. Another key objective
of the Religion Program is to ensure that we provide students with results and
experiences that will give them a strategic edge around pathways into tertiary study.
The teaching of RE at St Columban's complements the Religious life of the College. Teachers of RE explicitly teach students to develop a Religious Literacy that is underpinned by the Catholic tradition. It is hoped that what is learned in the classroom will help the students engage more fully in the Religious life of the College. Students are taught about the Catholic tradition in a way that enables them to critique our contemporary pluralistic society and the global community they encounter. This is achieved in the classroom through the utilisation of the inquiry approach and where possible through an exploration of contemporary issues such as reconciliation, environmental issues, animal welfare, homelessness and refugees. It is hoped that the students become discerning citizens that are politically, socially aware and challenge them to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We have rich traditions which embody the history of the College at Albion and Caboolture. Every student who attends the College is unified by the love of ALBI the eagle, College war cry and prayer.

We pray for the students, parents and staff.
Send your Holy Spirit upon us to give us wisdom and strength.
Help us unite under our banner of blue, gold, blue.
In Spirit, Tradition and Community
May we soar like the eagle.
St Columban, Pray for us.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Columban's College (2023)